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In this experiment we evaluate POS 3-gram sequences in gender classification task by applying chi square test which checks for dependence between a specific class (male, female) and a feature.

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Wordnet lemmatizer, Lemmagen lemmatizer and a lemmatizer from Pattern library are evaluated on a set of different golden standards.

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Lancaster, Snowball, RSLP and Porter stemmers from Pattern and NLTK libraries are evaluated on a set of different golden standards.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


POS taggers are evaluated in a settings where POS 3-gram sequences are used as features in a bag-of-words model for gender prediction

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this workflow we evaluate taggers on their contribution to performance in a lemmatization task, where POS tags are used as additional input for Wordnet lemmatizer during lemmatization. Accuracy of lemmatization is measured on GUM corpus with hand annotated lemmas.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this workflow we evaluate taggers on their contribution to performance in a lemmatization task, where POS tags are used as additional input for Wordnet lemmatizer during lemmatization. Accuracy of lemmatization is measured on GUM corpus with hand annotated lemmas.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this experiment we evaluate all implemented trainable POS taggers on 6 different golden standard corpora. All taggers are trained on NLTK Wall street journal sample.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this experiment we evaluate all implemented trainable POS taggers on 6 different golden standard corpora. All taggers are trained on NLTK Wall street journal sample.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this experiment we measure the influence of the size of the training set on POS tagger performance. 7 different POS taggers are trained on first 1000, 2000, 3000 and all sentences of the NLTK WSJ sample. Their performance is measured on GUM corpus.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this experiment we measure the influence of the size of the training set on POS tagger performance. 7 different POS taggers are trained on first 1000, 2000, 3000 and all sentences of the NLTK WSJ sample. Their performance is measured on GUM corpus.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this experiment we compare NLTK perceptron tagger to Chained tagger (created by chaining 2 N-gram taggers, Affix tagger and default tagger) on 6 different golden standard corpora

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this experiment we evaluate Chained tagger (created by chaining 2 N-gram taggers, Affix tagger and default tagger) on 6 different golden standard corpora.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this experiment we compare taggers trained on NLTK WSJ sample to taggers trained on NPS Chat corpus on a corpus of tagged tweets.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this experiment we compare taggers trained on NLTK WSJ sample to taggers trained on NPS Chat corpus on a corpus of tagged tweets.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this workflow we compare pretrained taggers to taggers trained on NLTK Penn Treebank WSJ sample on 6 different golden standards

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this workflow we compare pretrained taggers to taggers trained on NLTK Penn Treebank WSJ sample on 6 different golden standards

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


In this workflow we measure the influence of different stemmers and lemmatizers on a performance of a classifier in a classification task.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.